Tuesday, November 23, 2010


It's almost here. The final third of this pregnancy - THE LAST TRIMESTER!!! I am giddy with anticipation as we round the bend and make our way to 7 months!!! We officially had 3 months left on November 20 -- which means we have entered into 2 months and 27 days left!!! YAHOO!!! I am feeling very uber pregnant these days, but I have been trying to maintain a good spirit about it . Sometimes I do -- sometimes I don't. Little Lennon feels like he weighs a ton and my back and tummy ache from the heaviness. It also feels like Lennon is trying to climb out my belly button. My tummy feels tight, tight, tight like a drum and I am constantly rubbing it to make the weird stretching sensation go away. With Thanksgiving this week, and my plan to gorge myself on yummy holiday fare, the stretching feeling should be even more fun with a super full stomach as well!!! SPeaking of super full stomachs -- if I eat until I feel full -- I feel like garbage!!! My poor little stomach just does not have enough room in there anymore for sensible sized meals. I fear I m relegated to many tiny meals until Lennon "drops". Hmmmmm -- what else? I have been a lot more active the last two weeks and have added 2 - 1 mile walks a day. I feel pretty fantastic about it and Oh -- they are up and downhill -- So my booty has been getting some serious exercise lovin'!!! Let's just say that I have been enjoying the un-intended bonus of shrinking buns and thighs and panties that are suddenly too big!!! WHAT???? Love it. It's all so exciting and now we are ready to see what the last chapter has to offer. Oh -- how will it end???? We'll shall see.


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