My mom and I spent the day today getting things prepped for the arrival of little Lennon. The groceries have been stocked and there are enough snacks and beverages for the whole birth team and a small country. We also set up the birth pool. We planned on putting it in the area that we use for the play room, but quickly realized that Miles would have a terrible tantrum if he were not allowed in it. So we had to move it to the living room that is gated off. I am pleased with it's location as there is a nice cozy couch for the birth team to sit on and I can enjoy a nice crackling fire while I soak away the aching contractions. I ordered 7 cases and 6 gallons of water through Vons delivery and they arrived last night. We also have our entire birth kit ready and I have made the oil blends that I want to use throughout labor. I picked rose and lavender. We also updated our Ipod with a playlist that I wanted for this labor and Jason and I have to prep the bed tonight -- but then I think we just have to sit back and wait. Of course -- once active labor starts we'll fill the pool and handle a few last minute things. But all in all -- we are ready to have this baby!!!
Mario Bros Birthday Party
1 day ago
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