Saturday, September 11, 2010


I have been dreaming up Miles' 1st Birthday Party for months now, but the real planning is finally underway. I am so grateful to this pregnancy and Baby Lennon for the amazing NESTING INSTINCT that has suddenly kicked in and made me feel like super woman!!! I have been going non-stop and am a flurry with cooking and planning and buying and designing and inviting!!! I am one of those lucky ladies who gets bit with the nesting instinct very early on in pregnancy. I got to ride the high for most of the second trimester and all of the third while pregnant with Miles. It appears that I have been equally blessed this time around. Right now I am utilizing this buzz to keep motivated to sample cook all of the appetizers, entrees, desserts, and beverages that we will be serving at the party. Oh -- and it's that same instinct that has me crazy enough to even consider making all of the food for the party in the first place. I mean -- we sent out 55 invitations!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Thank goodness I have my mom!!! She has been by my side planning all of this with me and she has even GENEROUSLY offered her tasting services!!!! ;0) We really are having such a blast with this -- and it's just so magical to be planning Miles' 1st Birthday while being pregnant with our newest joy!!!


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