Sunday, January 23, 2011


Whoa nelly -- 4 weeks left!!! I absolutely cannot wait and I am hoping that little man Lennon decides to join us earlier than his anticipated arrival date. For starters -- I just can't wait to meet him and hold him. I was holding the gorgeous Kira this afternoon and suddenly my heart YEARNED for my newest little boy!!! She was so tiny and precious. I am just so excited to do it all over again!!! I also just can't wait to get out of this pregnant body!!! My belly is soooooo heavy and feels stretched to it's limit. Lennon has also dropped and engaged and is already at station 0!!! He is taking up a ton of space in the canal and there is sooooooo much pressure down there. I am barely sleeping these days -- although I desperately want to -- and am up several times a night to pee or readjust or fighting off weird dreams and headaches. Aye aye aye. Plus there's the whole pulled muscle complication!!! It has been a crazy few weeks. We finally started all of our labor prep including perineal massage, EPO, the Dr.Christopher's, walking, etc. We have a few other tricks up our sleeve that we will try after next week, once Lennon is full term. Oh -- and I hope I don't jinx myself -- but my swelling has been very minimal and limited to only a few occasions. This is a much welcomed change from my last pregnancy. With Miles I had some pretty decent swelling from about 34 weeks on. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the swelling will stay at bay!!! I think that's al for now!!! I will update very soon!!!


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