Friday, January 7, 2011


Well -- I have really gone and done it now. My midwife has been telling me all along to take it easy and make sure that I was not doing too much heavy lifting -- but I felt like superwoman and didn't listen. It's really hard to listen when you have a 26lb. 14 month old who still wants and needs to be picked up and held frequently. Even though Miles weighs as much as some 3 year olds does not mean that he is a 3 year old. He is still my little baby and is so not ready to give up being picked up. Well - for the last few weeks I have been having a burning pain in the muscle between my breast and uterus that I have been writing off as just some pregnancy thing. Turns out that it was in fact the pulling and weakening of my abdominal muscle. When I picked Miles up this morning my muscle pulled completely and I am now in a world of serious pain. My Midwife has put me on strict modified bed rest -- meaning -- I do not literally have to stay in bed, but I am not to do any lifting, picking up, pulling, or pushing of any kind. I am to take it easy and rest as much as possible. This means I cannot pick Miles up anymore. She made that very VERY clear. I am so heartbroken about this. I don't think I can make it 6 weeks without picking him up and I feel so scared that this will have a negative impact on him and our relationship. I don't want him to think that I don't love him and I don't want us to grow apart because mommy can't pick him up and do all of the things that she used to. I can't even give him a bath anymore. How sad is that???? The plan of action is the following: Jason will take all late shifts at work, which means he will be here until 9am every morning. NanaBee will spend the first part of the day with MIles and I (she's the best) --helping out and we are hiring a Nanny to do a 1-9pm shift to relieve Nana and help until Jason comes home from work. With all of this support my muscle should heal in no time and I should be able to push little Lennon out with little to no difficulty. The biggest concern is whether or not having a pulled abdominal muscle will make it too painful to push. The goal here is to heal, heal, heal!!!! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family who loves me and is willing to go to all this trouble to help me out. I really am the luckiest girl in the world.


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