Friday, May 28, 2010


I was really fortunate to have lost most of the baby weight from our first pregnancy. I have still managed to hold onto 7 extra pounds, but I admit I was about 5lbs. under weight when I got pregnant. Nonetheless -- I lost the weight. I attribute my good fortune to my mother's excellent genes, breastfeeding, and the fact that Miles weighed nearly a ton when he was born. Of course, I lost 15lbs. just giving birth, so that left me with a measley 25lbs. left to lose. All that being said, I have been way too busy and exhausted to get myself motivated to workout. Until now.

I decided that it was time to start trying to tone up the soft spots that are left over from Miles. I told Jason that I needed his help to get motivated to get my body in shape for round two of pregnancy, and he has been quite the personal trainer. He makes sure that we do a mile long family walk (up and down hill) every night. Jason walks the dog and I get saddled up with Miles in the kokopax. The extra 22lbs. is really great. Jason also has me doing a circuit workout every other day that includes lunges, push-ups, leg lifts, and more. The goal is to keep this up through pregnancy number 2 so that my recovery will be just as great as it was with Miles. Here's to hoping. Either way -- it feels good to feel the burn!!!


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