Monday, July 26, 2010


When I was pregnant with Miles I had this beautiful vision of relaxing in a gentle, calming bath, letting the warm waters soothe my labor pains away. I was certain that our large oval bathtub would be just the place to labor away in. I WAS WRONG. That tub was itsy bitsy for a largely pregnant woman in the throws of childbirth!!!! I tried it 3 different times, only to crawl out of it miserable and even more uncomfortable than I was before I had slipped in. This time will be different. Now I know why all of those other home birth mommas have pics and videos of themselves laboring in massive birthing pools!!!! I will be one of those happy ladies!!!! We, obviously, still have plenty of time to choose the tub we want, but we have pretty much narrowed it down and are most likely going to go with the AquaBorn Eco Pool!!!! This bad boy is 27" deep and is made to withstand even the most laborious of labors. It has reinforced handles around the edges and has a lid to help keep the water hot while not in use. And the bonus -- there's room for two in it so Jay Jay can climb in and Massage my back!!!! Hey -- it ia all about the laboring woman, right???? LOL.


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