We had such a great first experience with Dr. Platt at The Center for Fetal Medicine in Los Angeles that we have opted to use him again. We are scheduled to have our First Trimester Screening and Ultrasound on August 5, 2010 at 11.5 weeks. The screening involves genetic testing (maternal blood test) and counseling. If they find anything unusual we will do more testing, if not, we continue on our merry way. With Miles, we passed all the screenings with flying colors. They will also perform our first abdominal ultrasound, where they will measure all of the baby's bits and pieces to determine whether or not he/she is growing properly and to eliminate the possibility of downs or other defects. The whole experience with Miles was absolutely wonderful. We never imagined that the ultrasound would reveal a fully formed baby. What a treat it was to get to see our little boy at such an early age. He was such a mover even then. We were also able to get a good luck at his "boy parts" although the doctor insisted it was too early to tell. We knew. He totally had a package!!!! So, now we are excited to get to experience the same thing all over again with baby number 2!!! We cannot wait to see the newest bundle of joy!!!
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