Thursday, January 27, 2011


My Midwife came to the house today for our 36 week home visit. She toured the house to get an idea of the lay out and we decided where the birth pool would get set up and what not. I can't believe that we are at the -- it could happen any day now -- point in the pregnancy. It just seems so surreal to think that the next time Renee comes to the house will be to deliver baby Lennon home to us!!! What an incredible thought. Wow. The prenatal part went really well as well. We did the GBS test (which I will find out about tomorrow) and she also took another vial of blood to test my titers. We discussed my pulled muscle and how things were going with that. I told her that it felt pretty much healed -- but that I had to let the Nanny go today because I was literally starting to sink into a deep depression over it. It was just too hard to have someone "chaperoning" an entire 8 hours between me and Miles and getting to do all of the things I wanted to do with him (play with him, hold him, feed him, bathe him, etc.). I just started to feel like such a prisoner in my own home. So -- we agreed that I would take is easy still -- my mom and Jason helping as much as they could and that I would do what I had to to make it through this with my sanity!!!! I also told her that I am DONE being pregnant. She laughed and agreed. I asked her if we could start trying to get labor going naturally, as Lennon will be full term this Sunday. She gave us the green light and we will be doing everything in our power to get him early!!! I am sooooo keeping my fingers crossed. She said that she thinks it's a good idea as Lennon is surely going to be over 9lbs. and is big and healthy to date. We listened to his heart rate -- and although his movements have slowed over the last few days -- he is ticking away in there like a champ. Renee said that his heart was reactive and slowed and sped up when he settled or momma talked. He is totally head down -- at about station 0 -- and is taking up every last bit of space that there is in my tummy!!! Renee did not check my cervix (she usually doesn't) but I did tell her that Jason checked me last night during perineal massage and is certain that I am 1cm dilated at the moment. That is SOOOOOOO exciting seeing as how I was not dilated at all when labor started with Miles. I am hoping to get my cervix to open a little bit before labor starts this time around. Anything to knock hours off the time. 22 hours is a VERY long time!!!! We have our next appointment in a week and I m so excited to be at the weekly prenatal appointments as they seem to make the weeks go by a little faster. They give me something to look forward to. I will update then!!!


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