Sunday, January 2, 2011


Well -- ok -- maybe it hasn't stopped, but today literally felt like a week. We have officially hit the slow down and I don't know how I am going to make it to week 40 or more without losing my marbles!!! I am swimming with so many feelings and emotions. I literally cannot wait to meet Lennon -- I am so freaking excited to get him into my arms and to see his gorgeous little face. I also don't think I can take 7 more weeks of the discomfort and pain of having this sweet pea kick me in the ribs and organs. I swear -- my right lower rib is bruised. It hurts to touch it. I am also very concerned about how I am going to get my shoes on in a few weeks here. I am almost to the point where I can't do it alone. I may just have to pick a pair and never take them off. Could you imagine me sleeping in my converse one stars???? LOLOLOL. Mostly, I am just starting to get really antsy about meeting our newest little bundle of boy. I sit in his nursery several times a day just soaking it in and fantasizing about when he arrives. Miles loves to go in with me and play with baby brothers things. We both seem to really love it in there -- so it works out nicely. Jason is getting pretty excited too and has mentioned, on several occasions, the fact that he can't wait to hold that tiny little peanut and to get the ball rolling on raising our 2 children. We're still in the processing of "growing" our foursome. We just can't wait to move into the "raising" our foursome phase. I can't believe how lucky I am to be getting the family I want!!! Momma and her brood of sweet sweet boys. I just don't think it can get any better than that. Now -- I just have to make it there. With my marbles. Well -- we'll see.


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