Sunday, January 30, 2011


As of today -- baby boy Lennon is full term and we are all systems go for our home birth!!! If our little one decided to come before term we would have had to have him in the hospital. But he waited and now we can go forward with our home birth as planned. We have also started doing everything we can to help get my body prepared for labor with the hopes that we get to welcome Lennon home sooner rather than later. It's game time people!!! oh -- and BTW -- we walked about 5 miles yesterday and got some serious contractions going. The walking also moved Lennon down so low that when Jason checked my cervix for dilation he could no longer find it because it was pretty far back and up behind Lennon's head. Jason does think that I am pretty much fully effaced at this point too - although he's no expert on the percentage of effacement. Maybe next week I'll have my midwife check. We'll see.


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