Wednesday, January 5, 2011


It's official -- I AM PREGNANT!!! You know you're uber pregnant when you have to sleep sitting in a reclined position. I had to rig a sleeping set-up in our bed last night with 3 giant pillows and my snoogle loop. Side lying is no longer a go. I tossed and turned for over an hour before I realized that there was just no way I was going to get any sleep that way. So Jay Jay helped me and I was sitting up and fast asleep in no time. I also had about 5 or so nasty leg cramps that really threw my night out of whack. I hate those little monsters. The only way to get rid of them is to walk and walk and walk until they subside. OUCHIE!!!! So -- yep -- here we go. This how you know baby is coming soon. Mother nature's little way of giving you a taste of the lack sleep that is to come. We have been so spoiled with Miles sleeping roughly 11-12 hours a night since 4 months old. Little Lennon is just weeks away from rocking our world as we know it....;0) What will that little guy be like?


Hillary said...

any advice for a new mom and dad to be with the sleeping for 11-12 hours!?!? how on earth did you do that? i just got happiest baby on the block in the mail yesterday and have heard it's a lifesaver. what did you do/use?

p.s....hope your 7 weeks fly by! my sister-in-law is exactly where you are now with her first. :) counting down the days!

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