My midwife almost fell out of her chair, laughing at my reaction, as she took my weight this morning. Seriously -- I almost passed out. Now -- before I tell you what I gained in the past 4 weeks I will say that my total weight gain so far has been 34lbs. and is absolutely as perfect as can be. I am blessed to have had such a healthy weight gain. But -- BUT -- 9lbs. in 4 weeks????? 9lbs.????? I didn't even gain that much over the Christmas Holiday and I ate tons and tons of holiday crap. Good God this baby is going to be ginormous. My midwife agrees -- he's one big boy. We're all really interested to see how long he is too. He is at Station +1 and his feet are still crammed up inside my ribs. We're talking one tall little boy. So -- here I am trying to get over the shock of the biggest weight gain over the smallest amount of time in my life and trying prepare myself mentally for the fact that I will most likely be pushing out a toddler sized newborn. Please pray for my poor lady bits. Sigh. The rest of the prenatal appointment was great. BP is excellent, Lennon's heart sounded great, and my titers were negative once again. Renee has an acupuncturist and massage therapist working out of her birth center now and I made a few appointments with them for next week. They will both work on the acupuncture/acupressure points to help get labor going. I also scheduled a membrane sweep with Renee for next Sunday as I will be 39 weeks and I told Renee that I will be damned if this baby and I go over due!!! I can totally handle on time -- but my head may explode if February 20th comes and goes without. The membrane sweep is what got labor going for me with Miles. Oh and the fact that right afterward Renee made me walk up and down 100+ stairs for 2 hours. Either way -- the sweep will happen on Sunday the 13th. Maybe if we are lucky we will get a Valentine's Day baby. There is something kinda sweet about that...;0) Of course there is always something sweet about February 4,5,6,7,8,9,10.... you get my drift. Well -- Miles is napping and I should take this time to nap too. xoxoxoxoxoxox
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