Thursday, February 3, 2011


Experienced a ton more false labor last night. I know it's a good thing and my cervix is probably dilating and effacing -- but man -- it's such a bummer when you think it's time and it turns out that it's not. The good news is that by the time true labor hits my body will probably already have done a bunch of work. BONUS. And for all of those who aren't into TMI -- tune out now -- because -- I lost a ton of mucous last night with all of those false labor contractions and you know darn well that means my cervix was a movin'!!!! On a slightly more negative note -- the false labor has made it very difficult to sleep -- well -- impossible. I don't sleep anymore. I am so tired. Really REALLY tired. I told Jason that I feel bad for him when he gets all of that sleep while I don't because I'll be ready for the sleepless nights with a newborn and he won't....;0) For some reason he doesn't seem too bothered by this. LOL. I do wanna give a shout out to the best mom ever -- my mom-- for spending the morning with Miles and letting me lay down and nap. I actually slept this morning for a few hours and it was glorious. THANK YOU MOMMA!!!!


Hillary said...

Almost congrats Amanda! Been thinking about you since your false alarm the other day. :) Good luck with everything!! (p.s...I'm a little jealous you get to meet your new little man so soon :))

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