I'll admit -- I was really REALLY excited. Jay Jay, Miles, and I spent hours walking around. The contractions were consistent (although too far apart) and strong. They were uncomfortable, but never "painful". They became more and more painful as the night wore on. By 12am they were in my back and wrapping around. We were certain that things were winding up and that we would have little Lennon by today. Well -- I woke up this morning -- pregnant. Darn it. Every time I woke up to pee throughout the night the pressure was so intense that I was certain my water was going to break as soon as I stood up. But -- nothing. Needless to say, I was slightly disappointed this morning. I really did want Lennon to come. Now I know better -- false labor. In my defense -- I never had false labor with Miles. I never had contractions until the real deal. So -- now we just continue to wait and try not to get our hopes up if contractions start again. All I have to say now is -- I have a prenatal massage scheduled for 8pm tomorrow night and our little man had better wait until after that!!!! ;0)
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