So -- it has taken me awhile to get around to writing this post, But at my 2 day postpartum check-up I was given a shot of Rhogam because Lennon is O+. I had a rare adverse reaction to it that landed me in an ambulance and on the way to the ER!!! About 30 minutes after I received the shot I began to get very hot and faint and my extremities swelled. This was obviously not something I needed or wanted to deal with having just given birth less than 48 hours before!!! The irony is that I had a home birth so that I could avoid having to go to the hospital (which I hate) and then 2 days later I spent 7 hours strapped to a bunch of machines in a filthy ER!!! YUCK!!!! I was truly devastated by the fact that I had this reaction as I was so conflicted about getting the shot in the first place. We have a family history of adverse reactions to vaccines and my instincts were telling me -- don;t get it. But I also felt that, even though Jason and I are done growing our family, we were better safe than sorry if we ever were to get pregnant again with a positive baby. I SHOULD HAVE TRUSTED MY INSTINCTS!!! I am so glad that I trusted my instincts on not getting this shot at all with Miles and not getting it prenatally with Lennon. Can you imagine what would have happened if I had exposed my little Lennon to this adverse reaction while in utero???? The fact is I didn't and I am so thankful that I followed my mommy instincts. Now, I just have to wait a few weeks and see if the adverse reaction intensifies and becomes the Rheumatoid Arthritis that it is has a tendency to develop into. I will most likely see a Rheumatologist in a few months to get tested and make sure. I am hoping that I will get lucky and skate by. My mom was not so lucky after her Hep B Vaccine many years ago and suffered through arthritic pain for quite some time before it remitted. She's my super hero and I know that if she could make it through it then I can too -- especially with her by my side. Now the next course of action is to take this info to our pediatrician. We are already delaying vaccinations because of our family history of autoimmune reactions to them, but now we have to discuss the fact that our boys' mommy has had a reaction as well. This is taken much more seriously and our ped. will let us know whether or not we should risk it and whether or not we should delay vaxing longer!!! This is such a heartbreaking decision for us on so many levels. We don't know what we I would do if either of our boys were afflicted and suffering from getting vax'd or from not getting vax'd. No one could possibly understand the inner conflict that comes with being faced with these decisions unless they experience it. I'll just keeping trusting my instincts and listening to my mommy voice and know that God is going to guide us and take care of us.
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