Baby LEN??? looked absolutely beautiful during our scan yesterday morning!!! It was so nice to see physical proof of that amazing little life growing in my belly!!! Not that the symptoms I experienced weren't enough, but it's just so nice to see that sweet little fetus!!! He/She was VERY shy and would not turn over to give us a view of those precious little gender parts. He/She moved a ton, but was always facing my back. The Doctor needed to get a look at Baby LEN???'s nasal bones and asked me to talk to him/her and when I did he/she literally leapt and turned to a side profile for just long enough so that the doctor could get a measurement. How much did my heart melt when this happened???? A ton!!! The measurements were all perfect, by the way, and the Doctor said that we are very blessed to have a healthy normal fetus. Of course we are still awaiting the blood work, but the Doctor was confidant that it wasn't necessary. Unfortunately, the scan images this time around were not as detailed as Miles' were, and we didn't get the great shots that showed us Miles' little boy parts, but we are set up for a gender determination in 3 weeks!!! So we will hopefully know then!!! For now, we will most likely spend every day staring, lovingly, at the photo's that we do have of LEN???, anxiously awaiting the next time we get to see his/her gorgeous little self!!!
PS -- How cute is Miles, sitting in Daddy's lap, looking up at the Ultrasound Monitor? He is looking at the on screen image of his little brother or sister. Ugggggggg -- my heart -- melting -- So Yummy!!!
PPS -- They changed our due date to February 18, 2011, but we all agreed that we plan on sticking with February 20, 2011. Miles was 9 days late and if this baby wants to bake a little longer I'd rather have a later due date so that I'm not sitting around counting the endless days!!! February 20th sounds absolutely perfect to me!!!