Saturday, August 21, 2010


Now that I have made it through the first trimester and am experiencing a ton more energy, we have started back on a workout routine. We have made a few minor adjustments to make things easier and beat the heat. The 1.5 mile walk is now taking place on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday, first thing in the morning after Miles wakes and gets his bottle. It's SOOOOOOOOO much cooler and everything is so fresh and crisp at 7am!!! Those same evenings we are doing 60-100 up hill and downhill lunges. We've added a 1 mile walk around Quixote, after lunch, on all the other days, and we are doing some light strength training and stretching as well. We've been back at it for a few days now and boy does it feel good!!!! Yippee!!!


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