Perhaps I am being melodramatic. Maybe my butt and thighs have not yet grown to the proportions of those pictured left. YET. But, I will tell you, they have grown -- sigh -- enough. I was so certain that I would be shouting from the rafters -- "WE'RE HAVING A BOY" -- but after having noticed the difference in my "curves" I am not so sure anymore. I have heard from countless women that when they were pregnant with their daughters they gained a healthy pair of thighs and quite the boo-tay!!! Could it be? A girl? And then there's the all important question -- WHY???? Why do my booty and thighs need to expand in order to carry and birth this sweet little pea??? I am ALL good with the jumbo boobies, but I will pass on the ginormo rear and anything south of it!!!! Plus, now I am uncertain of the sex once more. I am totally back to ground zero and have no clue what-so-ever!!!! I suppose it's better this way. Now I will not be right or wrong when the time comes, just pleasantly surprised!!!!
PS - Do not use 12 Week Belly Pic as a reference. The thighs and booty exploded afterward, and no there will be no picture. ;0)
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