Sunday, December 5, 2010


I'm trying to remember how I made through the last 11 weeks of my first pregnancy!!! I feel enormous, heavy, and lethargic. There is no way that I can possibly get any bigger. I know that other gals can get much bigger than I am currently and that I should feel blessed -- but -- well -- I just feel huge!!! Getting up to pee in the middle of the night is a joke. Well -- getting up at all is pretty funny -- but the sight of me trying to maneuver my way out of a lying down position is gut busting!!!! My whole pelvic region is achy and sore. My glutes even feel like I have been doing lunges all day long. I have not. I am assuming that the relaxin has finally started to really loosen the tendons and ligaments in my pelvis and that the soreness is just from the muscles and tissue shifting. Either way -- I needed a super booty massage last night and Jason came to the rescue. It was so amazing that I fell asleep in the middle of it!!! I will say that I am starting to get pretty self conscious about the growing size of my thighs and booty -- so it took some courage to ask the ole hubby to rub em!!!! I know I shouldn't care -- but I do. I just wish that I could maintain my figure and have a healthy baby. It's not possible. For some reason my butt and thighs need fat and cellulite to birth my babies!!! Oh well. On another note -- I did start having contractions this weekend. They are definitely contractions -- they are mild -- start in my back and then wrap to the front. They are almost 2 hours apart and come and go -- so nothing to worry about. I am a little hopeful that they are indicative of things getting started, slowly. I would love to go into labor a little early or at least on time and already be somewhat dilated and effaced. With Miles I was 9 days late and zero and zero!!!! Boy that was a lot of work. Well -- I will write more later -- Jay Jay just got back with my yummy tea and I must partake!!!


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