Sunday, November 28, 2010


How your baby's growing:

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Here's what momma and baby Lennon are looking like at 7 months!!! It's one day early -- but I was thinking about it and didn't want to forget.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I have so much to be thankful for this year!!! My list is ever growing -- but here it goes!!!!

- My amazing Hubby and best friend -- Jay Jay
- Stuffing
- The most beautiful son in all the world -- Miles Alexander
- The most beautiful "bun" in all the world -- Lennon Wyatt
- Mashed Potatoes with lots and lots of butter
- The best parents a girl could hope for -- NanaBee & PapaBee
- Unbeatable brothers and uncles -- Jaybo and Cris-o
- Wonderful friends and loved ones
- Turkey Legs with extra crispy skin
- Gainful employment
- A warm, cozy home
- An-- always full of healthy, quality food-- refrigerator
- Pumpkin Pie
- The blessing of good health and well being

I am beyond grateful for the many MANY ways in which God has blessed our lives and showers our days with light and love and hope. We have everything and more that we could ever hope to have!!!! Here's to a wonderful and prosperous year to come!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


It's almost here. The final third of this pregnancy - THE LAST TRIMESTER!!! I am giddy with anticipation as we round the bend and make our way to 7 months!!! We officially had 3 months left on November 20 -- which means we have entered into 2 months and 27 days left!!! YAHOO!!! I am feeling very uber pregnant these days, but I have been trying to maintain a good spirit about it . Sometimes I do -- sometimes I don't. Little Lennon feels like he weighs a ton and my back and tummy ache from the heaviness. It also feels like Lennon is trying to climb out my belly button. My tummy feels tight, tight, tight like a drum and I am constantly rubbing it to make the weird stretching sensation go away. With Thanksgiving this week, and my plan to gorge myself on yummy holiday fare, the stretching feeling should be even more fun with a super full stomach as well!!! SPeaking of super full stomachs -- if I eat until I feel full -- I feel like garbage!!! My poor little stomach just does not have enough room in there anymore for sensible sized meals. I fear I m relegated to many tiny meals until Lennon "drops". Hmmmmm -- what else? I have been a lot more active the last two weeks and have added 2 - 1 mile walks a day. I feel pretty fantastic about it and Oh -- they are up and downhill -- So my booty has been getting some serious exercise lovin'!!! Let's just say that I have been enjoying the un-intended bonus of shrinking buns and thighs and panties that are suddenly too big!!! WHAT???? Love it. It's all so exciting and now we are ready to see what the last chapter has to offer. Oh -- how will it end???? We'll shall see.

Monday, November 22, 2010


I swear -- I know exactly what a bag of microwave popcorn feels like. Lennon is literally "popping" around in there -- hands and feet jabbing my belly in rapid motion!!! My belly looks like it's loaded with jumping beans!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Decided to light a fire and have a cup of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea.


That's right -- I can't sleep. Miles woke up crying, with teething pain, and now everyone is back to sleep -- EXCEPT ME!!! iPhoto is very entertaining when you can't sleep. Check out the 27 week "BELLY VOGUE"!!! lol

Oh -- it just started raining. I wonder if that will help me get back to sleep. I love the sound of rain on the rooftop.


How your baby's growing:

This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with his legs extended. He's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother him, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.

Friday, November 19, 2010


I swear -- IT'S BABY SEASON!!! I know so many people who are pregnant or just were recently. Yesterday I got a call from my cousin Adam, in Chicago, and he gave me their blessed news. They are expecting baby number 3, due June 25. He also informed me that my other cousin, Alex, is also expecting and that she is due FEBRUARY 12!!!! OMG -- my baby cousin is due to have her 2nd baby the same month as us!!! How exciting. My friend and co-worker's wife is due New's Year Eve and I am in the middle of planning their baby shower. And -- AND -- My cousin Les' wife had their baby last month, and my friend Christina had her little girl about 2 weeks ago. I also met a few lovely ladies through my friend Christina who have had or are having babies!!!! WOWZA!!!! You know what all of this means right???? There's lots of "LOVIN" happening around these parts!!!


Little Lennon's head must really be bearing down on my cervix tonight, because I am experiencing some really intense pressure. We're a little perplexed by it, as this kind of pressure did not start with the Miles pregnancy until around 36 weeks, but I'm thinking some R&R should help relieve it. We did just finish a 1 mile walk and then went to the grocery store -- so it's possible that I walked Lennon down snuggly against my cervix. The plan is to stay off of my feet and just chill tonight -- in front of a rip roaring fire!!!! I love cold nights!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


This little pregnancy symptom of mine deserves a blog of it's own. I have been lucky to not suffer many of the pregnancy ailments that a lot of women experience -- especially the first trimester ones. But this symptom seems to be plaguing me the most this time around. My sniffer is on serious over drive these days. It's so sensitive, in fact, that it is the culprit for my hormonal swings and shifts in mood. There are smells I just literally cannot tolerate. For instance -- the house -- despite how clean I keep it -- there always seems to be a "smell" about it. Our bedroom is the worst offender. I literally cannot stand the combination of smells that join in that room. No one else can smell a thing -- just me -- but good grief it drives me to intense irritation. The kitchen is another culprit. I can't stand the smell of the garbage can. It ALWAYS smells foul to me. ALWAYS!!! There's cigarette smoke, gasoline, unwashed hair, coffee -- so much more. But the weirdest one of all -- MEN!!! There's is something in the chemical or hormone that men put out that drives me absolutely batty these days. Maybe it's because I'm already pregnant and this is mother nature's way of telling me "keep those men away -- you don't need em anymore", but good grief it's so off putting. Each man has their own unique smell that drives me bonkers. Jason -- oh poor Jay Jay buns -- his smell is like a combination of coffee and alcohol -- both of which he does not drink. It can be really subtle or really intense. My good friend at work smells like bad coffee. Another man I know -- reminds me of motor oil. And for some reason the smells are very irritating to me. They set my nerves on fire. These poor men that I love so much -- what the heck???? I don't recall this happening with my first pregnancy. Although, I vaguely remember being sensitive to the way Jason smelled right after he got home from riding his motorcycle. He would absorb the smells of the road and it would take about an hour to dissipate -- but it never affected my mood like this. So strange -- it's unique to this pregnancy. I am really looking forward to getting some relief from this symptom. I know my sniffer will always be mom-a-fied, but I am certain that it will get less sensitive and less connected to my hormones. Damn estrogen -- oh well. BTW -- I read that they think this heightened sense of smell is linked to morning sickness. Thank goodness it hasn't affected me in that way. I'll take some irritation over nausea and vomiting any day!!!


I couldn't wait for August 8, 2010 -- 12 WEEKS PREGNANT!!! You know -- that moment where you breath your first sigh of relief that baby is going to be okay. That moment when you know your risk for MC has dwindled to fractions!!!! It just struck me how long it felt to get there -- and now I am coming up on only 12 WEEKS left until Lennon comes home!!!! There will be 14 weeks in the middle there, once we get to 12 weeks left, and I am wondering -- "Where did the time go?" You know what else gets me??? The last 12 weeks will probably feel just as slow as the first. It's amazing how fast the middle of pregnancy flies by. Of course it does -- it's the best part. You feel the best -- look the best -- act the best!!!! Now that we are nearing the final descent things start to get harder. But the good news -- we've already climbed the mountain -- the up hill stuff is done and now we just have to "waddle" our way downhill to the finish line. Ooooooh how exciting!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


No gestational diabetes and no RH antibodies!!!! Yippee!!! Baby Lennon is perfect and safe in his momma cocoon!!! There was never really any concern, but it is always nice to get a little reassurance that everything is going smoothly. Next up -- Group B Strep Test.

Monday, November 15, 2010


I've been asking around about BIrth Photographers the last couple of weeks and I think we may have picked one. Lisa Bones (our sonogrpaher) and Renee (our Midwife) gave us a few names of some very talented ladies who do Birth Photos and I must say that all of their work is stunning. At this point I am trying to decide between Sandra Corell and Heather Keil. The cost difference is pretty significant, but Sandra Corell makes herself available for the total time of the labor and birth, as well as for the hour after. Heather Keil will be available for 2 hours or as long as we want but her price goes up $100 per every extra hour over 2. That could really add up. Either way -- we have to figure it out soon and book it because they obviously can only commit themselves to so many births in a month. Plus -- my Mom is giving me the Birth Photographer as a gift for Christmas!!!! That's right!!!! I need to get things squared away because MY SUPER AWESOME MOM needs to get everything together before Christmas!!!! How amazing is she? What an outstanding gift -- the gift of picture memories of the birth of our second little boy. I love you so much mom. Thanks!!!


Here's my little tribut to the amazing "butt donut". Anyone who has a baby will tell you that in the first few days to weeks after labor -- this bad boy is a must. If you want to sit, that is. Rock on BUTT DONUT!!! Rock on.

Oh and P.S. -- No -- "hemi's" are not required for the Butt Donut to be a necessity.


I met with my midwife this afternoon for our 26 week appointment. We're off on our weeks as I didn't see her for the first time until 10 weeks -- but it doesn't really matter. She had me scarf down a banana and 16 oz. of Orange Juice about 2 hours before my appointment, so that she could do a blood draw for Gestational Diabetes. She's also testing my titers this week, as well. The results should be in tomorrow, but I have a pretty good feeling that all is well on both fronts. Miles has O neg blood like me so I was never exposed or sensitized to positive blood. I already told Renee that I will not be getting the Rhogam shot at 28 weeks (I also refused it with Miles), but that I would like to have it on hand at the birth in case Lennon is type positive. I see no reason to inject myself with something that could have potentially adverse affects on the baby if there is really no reason. Plus, if I test positive on my titers it's too late anyway. In other news, I am measuring 1 week ahead in my fundal height and am currently at "27 weeks". This 26 week momma is soooooo not surprised by this news!!! I feel like I'm bigger than I should be. Belly-wise. My weight is spot on perfect at 18lbs. gained -- although I was stunned to learn that I put on 5lbs. in the last month. My midwife was really pleased about it though as I had only gained 1lb. the previous month. I figure -- if I gain 5lbs. per month for the rest of the pregnancy that would put me at a 35lb. weight gain which is about 7 lbs. less than I gained with Miles -- so I'm feeling pretty good about that. I know I will probably put on a little more weight than that, but as long as I stay within the healthy range I'm happy. What else? Oooooh -- the big news -- Renee felt for Lennon's position and she found his perfect little head nudged snuggly against my cervix. I was so excited to learn that he is head down and that the pressure on my cervix is indeed from that. He is also crammed into a tiny little ball up against the right of my uterus and wiggled and squirmed and kicked like a mad man. Renee kept trying to get his heartbeat on the fetal doppler, but he moved so much that it took her several tries before she could conclude that it was about 140 bpm. I filled Renee in on some of the stressful occurances this past month and about the fact that I am way more irritable this pregnancy. She said it's perfectly normal -- especially for a second pregnancy and to just keep reassuring people that I love them. Mostly -- keep reassuring Jay Jay. Poor guy. He gets the brunt. I also mentioned the nightly calf cramping that has begun to occur and she recommended trying a different type of CALM. I said -- WILL DO!!! Oh and I'm supposed to try to get more leafy greens in my diet to up my calcium intake. That's about it -- except that at the end of the visit she mentioned that our next appointment would be at 30 WEEKS!!! 30 freaking weeks!!! Hearing it out loud threw me for a loop. I just looked at her with my jaw dropped and said -- "Here we go Renee -- it's the downhill race!!!"

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Just realized that we only have 98 days left!!! Wow. We're finally under 100!!! Time is really starting to fly.


How your baby's growing:

The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.

Friday, November 12, 2010


When I began the process of registering for all of the baby gear that we would need for baby Miles it was an overwhelming and mind boggling task. Where do we register? What do we register for? How much of it do we need? And each particular company you register with makes the decision making process that much harder by offering up a list of about 10,000 things that are MUST HAVES!!! I remember thinking -- "Do I really need a crib, bassinet, moses basket, co-sleeper, and a play yard? The obvious answer was no, but I still needed to figure out what I needed and what I could live without. This time around is so much easier and the been there done that feeling is sooooooo nice. There were things we registered for that we absolutely could not have lived without. Well -- we would have lived, but God knows it would have been waaaaaay harder. Those items are:

1. A Sight & Sound Monitor - We only "co-slept" for the first 2 weeks and then little Miles went straight into his crib. The microphone quality is outstanding and we could actually hear our little guy breathing while he slept. What peace of mind. And we never had to tip toe into his room, fearing that we would wake him, to check on his breathing. We also had a full visual on him at all times thanks to the night vision!!!!

2. Sling/Carrier (Specifically The Baby K'Tan) - Where do I even begin? These items were truly the holy grail of newborn-hood. I will start by saying -- those car seats ARE as heavy as they look. I was stunned that people actually lugged them around with baby in tow wherever they went. I found it so much easier and sooooooo much lighter to pop Miles into a sling or carrier and go. Plus Miles was colicky and had to be held A LOT!!! So having that much needed support was so nice. Miles would sleep in the sling and could fix lunch or clean up or do my hair and makeup or blog or pretty much whatever. I had a ton of these bad boys. I made 2 ring slings (which I loved until Miles outgrew them), I had a Moby Wrap, Ergobaby Sport, Bjorn, Peanut Pouch, and my all time favorite The Baby K'Tan. BTW -- I still "wear" Miles. I love it.

3. Diaper Covers - We thought we could brave the world of cloth diapering. But not too long after Miles was born, we realized that it was a pipe dream. There was no way we were capable or even willing to deal with the amount of work that was involved in that process. We had many other important priorities to attend to in dealing with our newborn. That being said -- nothing was wasted. We actually did use the cloth diaper covers. Miles was -- well -- his bladder worked really well -- and we found that he was leaking through many MANY diapers a day. So we started popping the water-proof diaper covers on over his disposable dipes and voila -- no more wet clothes or jammies. This proved to be very helpful with diaper blowouts, as well. Oops -- some poopie escaped the diaper. But not to worry -- the diaper cover caught it. We avoided changing full outfits this way. It was really nice. And let me tell you un-fun it is to do a full change in public!!! Good grief.

4. Swaddling Blankets (Specifically The Miracle Blanket) - Seriously -- we would never have made it without these. Miles had the strongest startle reflex. He would literally beat and badger his own face and head unless we "restrained" him in one of these. There was no way he could have slept without it. Oh -- and those adorable muslin swaddling blankets wouldn't cut it!!! We used those for wrapping our little guy up in to keep warm. That's it. For us it was the specially made swaddling wraps. The Velcro ones were really nice until about 3 months in when he got Strong enough to pull the Velcro apart. Then we had to get medieval and go Miracle Blanket on the kiddo. It was like a straight jacket for babies. Only way cuter.

5. Footie Jammies - You can not have too many of these. All the other clothes are nice, and cute, and fun. But Footie Jammies???? Absolute necessity. If I had known this when we were buying all of the clothes that we bought for MIles I would have only bought footies!!! Ok -- maybe not only -- but we would have been up to our eyeballs in them. For Lennon we plan on having at least 10 in each size. What can I say -- they are warm and easy to get on and off. You don't have to try to get it over the babies head and when you need to change the dipe -- voila -- just unbutton or unzip.

6. Diaper Backpack - We did the whole cute-sie diaper bag and diaper dude route. What a waste for us. Those things were such a hassle to lug around. We realized very early on that what we needed was a backpack that we would throw over each shoulder so that we would could handle all of the other things happen without the bag slipping off of our shoulders. We're really active people and are always out and about doing things -- so we needed something that was way more practical. So we got a diaper backpack. We fell in love after the first use.

7. The Bumbo - Once Miles culd hold his head up this was brilliant. We could sit him in it, fully supported, and he would play or eat or just hang. This gave us a ton of freedom. Loved it.

8. Jumperoo/Exercauser - Again -- once he was able to hold his head up -- these were freedom givers!!! We were able to pop Miles into one of these and he would play for 20 minutes straight. I remember feeling overjoyed when I realized that I could actually have 20 minutes to get something done. Like shower!!! WHAT????

9. Orbit Stroller - We had a Baby Trend Travel System. It was nice. Worked well. Looked good. I hated it!!!! It seemed that no matter what direction we were heading outdoors, the sun was always in Miles' face. The canopy on most strollers in useless. So I was determined to find a stroller that had a rotating seat so I could turn it whenever the sun was in Miles' face. That's when I discovered the Orbit. Rotates a full 360 degrees. Plus they have a car seat that snaps on and off and also rotates. It was a very pricey -- but very yummy find. We are sad to report that we will not be able to use this once Lennon arrives -- as they do not make double strollers yet. WHY??????

10. Full Strength Desitin - We were fooled by all of the cute-sie diaper balms on the market. The ones that touted all natural or had funny names like "Butt Paste" lol. We tried them all -- but were very VERY disappointed. None of them healed or helped to prevent diaper rash. Except -- the full strength, medicated Desitin!!!! That stuff works like magic!!! Miles would literally have a bout of diaper rash that would last one day tops. Once we noticed it -- we'd slather stuff on and it would be healed within a few diaper changes. Glorious. We purchase this stuff by the tub. Love it!!!

Other things we used a lot -- grooming kit and first aid kit, hooded towels, wash cloths, almond oil for cradle cap, gas relief drops.

Some of the things that we got and were useless -- receiving blankets (these things are waaaaaay too small to wrap a baby in), umbrella stroller, 4/5 oz bottles (we outgrew those so fast -- we should have just gotten the 8/9 oz-ers to begin with). There's is actually a ton more in this list -- but I can't remember them at the moment.

Thankfully, this time around, we know a little more and we'll be able to apply this knowledge. We've already got a ton of stuff on hand and the things that we don't have -- we know we will use!!! We can't wait to start using them allover again with Lennon!!!

Hey Jason and Nana -- did I forget anything????

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I'm sure all pregnant momma's do this and that it's part of the nesting process, but I can sit, for an hour straight, in the nursery, daydreaming about sweet lil' Lennon. I imagine what he will look like, and feel like, and smell like. I imagine rocking him in the chair, placing him in his crib, changing his tiny little newborn diaper. I look at all of the tiny little clothes that hang in his closet and I just melt. I did this with Miles, too, and I thought maybe it was because the whole process was so new to me. But being a first time mom has nothing to do with it. I am looking forward to our second little one just as much as I did when we were expecting Miles. I love you baby Lennon!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The infamous rib pain that plagued me from 6 1/2 months to 8 months pregnant with Miles is back!!! Aye aye aye -- it hurts like the dickens. It seems whenever my uterus grows to a certain point that it pushes on this once broken rib and causes a dull, throbbing pain. The good news is that I now know, from past experience, that my uterus will grow beyond it and the pain will subside. Now I just have to buckle down for a not so fun month and half!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


I miss the "easy pregnancy" that this was turning out to be. This past week has been plagued with aches and pain and cramping. My whole middle section feels like one big compressed nerve. My back aches and aches and it radiates down into my legs. I've been getting leg cramps lately and my "southern" girl parts are feeling "crampy" as well. What gives? Suddenly, I feel -- PREGNANT!!!! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!! ;0)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


As I sit here and slurp down yummy spoonful after yummy spoonful of tomato soup (for breakfast), I am reminded of all the silly and not so silly cravings I have had with this pregnancy so far!!! By far, the strongest and longest craving I have had is for tomato soup. The weird part is that I only want it for breakfast. I swear it tastes different at any other time of day. And by golly -- Trader Joe's has the best carton of tomato soup on the planet. It's so creamy and so tomato-ey and I love to sprinkle basil in while it warms!!! YUMMY!!! Let's see -- what else is on this list. As far as silly is concerned, I have sent to Jason to the store for pickles and Chocolate Special K. I did not eat them together, but back to back. Oh and I should mention that it wasn't the pickles I was interested in, but rather the JUICE!!! YUMMY!!! I have, of course, blogged about the Italian style sub sandwiches and Pumpkin Spice Steamers. There was the few weeks in the first trimester where I wanted nothing and I mean NOTHING but Cottage Cheese. And there were the few weeks after that where I wanted nothing but Trader Joe's Chicken Tenders. Lately, my cravings have really mellowed out and I am only experiencing the tomato soup jones. Although, last week I got a hold of a bag of raw sugar snap peas in the pod and devoured the whole thing. I purchased another bag the next day and -- oops -- ate it all too. So I guess that was sort of craving -- or at least I now know how much I love sugar snap peas. As far as beverages are concerned -- we all know that I am a HUGE green tea fanatic -- and pregnancy puts a little damper on my love for it -- so I have been cheating and drinking tons of half water, half iced green tea. Since green tea has about 5% of the caffeine that coffee has I figure I'm totally safe consumming mostly watered down versions of it. I can't help myself -- I LOVE Trader Joe's Iced Blueberry Green Tea!!! Oh -- and of course water. That one was for my midwife!!! ;0)


How your baby's growing:

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. He's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Here he is!!! Look at that adorable little Miles clone!!! We were all stunned at how alike our two boys look -- especially when you compare Miles' 24 week scan!!! Lennon looks yummy and perfect all snuggled up in his momma cocoon and, although he was a very sleepy boy, obliged us by giving us a few super sweet face shots. We saw him smiling, yawning, sucking on his lower lip, and even trying to open his eyes. He moved some and kicked. We also got another peek at his boy parts which are looking like they are all in order. Lennon has definitely got long toes like the rest of us. They were shockingly long, in fact!!! We'll see if he fits into those newborn socks when he's born. We got a full diagnostic and everything is looking and sounding perfect. Lennon weighs about 1 lb. 13 oz., and is measuring a few days ahead of schedule at 25 weeks 3 days. The bummer news is that Lennon is Transverse Breech -- which is very rare and occurs in only 1 of 2,500 births -- but we still have about 7 weeks for him turn on his own. If he doesn't, there are some techniques we can try or our Midwife will have to perform an inversion. An inversion is a technique for relaxing the lower uteran ligaments which will help turn the baby. There are also a few techniques that can be performed by a chiropractor or OB if necessary. We're confidant that it won't get to that. We plan on doing everything we can to help little Lennon turn to the correct position. It is our goal to have another unmedicated, vaginal, home birth. The thought of a c-section is terrifying to me, but if the result is a safe and healthy Lennon, then so be it!!! All we really want is to hold that adorable bundle of boy in our arms. How freaking cute is he????


Friday, November 5, 2010


So I made the leap and bought a maternity support belt. I got the one pictured from Motherhood Maternity. I know -- it's totally hideous and you can definitly see it through your clothes, but all vanity aside, it felt amazing. I could not believe the difference once I put this on. The lady at the store said that this was the best one in terms of support and feel, but that it wasn't the greatest in the looks department. Uh -- totally. The only bummer is that they didn't have any smalls left and I had to have them drop ship one to my house from the warehouse. So, I won't be able to enjoy it until next week some time. I really can't wait. My back is really starting to ache. By the way -- I am so sold on this support garment thing now that I am even looking into compression pantyhose to help minimize swelling and what not. LOL. I feel like I don't know myself anymore!!!!


I have been dreading the thought of having to get another giant, plastic baby tub!!! When Miles outgrew his I was so relieved to turn it over to the Children's Orchard. I could not get that thing out of the house fast enough. And here we are -- again -- faced with the fact that we need a safe place to bathe Lennon!!! Well -- I found the holy grail "tub"!!! When I saw this bad boy it was love at first sight. It literally folds and snaps into place with one hand, unfolds just as easily, fits in ANY sink (including round bathroom sinks), and is made of a soft, waterproof, temp. stabile foam (our changing pad is made from the same material). The puj tub has got me really looking forward to bathing little Lennon. Needless to say -- it's on our list. We will have this!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I didn't wear any kind of support belt or wrap when I was pregnant with Miles, but this time around I am seriously considering it. With my activity level and the fact that I am often carrying a backpack on my back and Miles slung over one hip, it's becoming obvious that I might need some extra support. I asked Jason to stand behind me last night and lift my belly -- OH MY -- the relief was outstanding!!! I figure if I could get this kind of relief all day long -- why not!!! My back could use a break. I can't imagine how uncomfortable things will get now that Mommy and Lennon are really starting to pack on the pounds!!! Now I just have to do some research and figure out which one I want to get.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Everything appears to be fine and Renee (our Midwife) has assured me that there is nothing to worry about. She has me resting, drinking plenty of fluids, and keeping heat on the area for comfort. Miles is napping right now and I'm going to use the opportunity to get some shuteye myself. Will post more later.


We're trying to remain calm and collected, but around 9 o'clock last night I started getting some moderate cramping. Usually when this happens, I get off of my feet, relax, and drink tons of water. None of that seemed to work. We debated wether or not to call our midwife, but I thought that we should hold out. The cramps were very similar to menstural cramps and were continuous. There was never a break -- or rather they were'nt contraction like in nature. So Jason rubbed my lower back and put a heating pad on it and I decided to sleep it off. Well -- the pain never subsided -- although it didn't get worse either and when I woke up this morning I was still feeling some mild cramping. As of right now -- I am still experiencing it. The good news is that there is no blood and no leaking -- and I can still feel Lennon moving around like mad. Jason thinks that it's cramping from my uterus and ligaments growing and stretching and that I should experience some relief soon. I'm going to call my midwife in a few minutes here and see what she has to say. I know she's going to tell me to take it easy, and I have been (except for the cleaning the house thing), but it's really hard when sweet little Miles wants his momma to pick him up and hold him and walk him around. I know she'll also come by and check my cervix to make sure that there's no dilation -- and honestly -- that makes me cringe. I know it's what's best for baby Lennon, but God knows I hate vaginal exams. That's one of the reasons I have a midwife in the first place -- minimal exams!!! Just the way I like it. But it has to be done -- especially since it feels like the cramps are starting to ramp up. I will post an update.


We're making a lot of progress with the nursery and having such a blast doing it. My nesting instincts are in full force and nothing feels better than diving into a Lennon related project and getting some results!!! We removed the wire shelves and filled, sanded, and repainted the holes. We also built the crib and changing table, and put the nursery bedding in. We moved some unneeded items out in order to make room for the things that we will be adding. Their will be 2 bookcases on either side of the crib and a narrow dresser where the desk lamp is. The metal etage' and desk lamp will not be in the room and we plan on adding a hanging lighting fixture to the ceiling and some small lamps on the book shelves. Of course there will also be curtains, wall art, a rug, and the mobile will be hung over the diaper changing table. We learned our lesson with Miles and the mobile and won't be putting it over the crib. It makes so much sense when you think about it -- crib=sleep -- mobile=play!!! LOLOLOL. Anyhow -- that's where we are for now and we will update again very soon.


I have been meaning to blog about this mommy/pregnancy friendly topic. Most women don't want gifts that involve cooking or cleaning. But not this momma!!!! NanaBee and I were getting a few things at Lowe's a couple of months back and I pointed out the Electrolux Ergorapido Ultra!!! I told her that this was my dream "vacuum"!!! I explained that it was very quiet, cordless, lightweight, 12 volts, and has a handheld piece that comes off for hard to reach places or counter tops. She was sold!!! She then GENEROUSLY purchased one for each of us!!! OMG!!!! HOw amazing. Not only is she the most awesome mom around -- but she gets my need for clean floors and appreciates it!!! She also gets my need for something that doesn't require being plugged and unplugged and lugged around from room to room. She also understands my need for something that is quiet enough to use while the babies are slumbering away. It's also so much easier on my pregnant back. I literally get the whole house vacuumed in less than 10 minutes -- and that's saying something when you have an 11oo sq. ft. house and are being chased around by baby Miles. It's so nice to have clean floors EVERYDAY -- especially when you have a little one crawling around on it (and soon to be 2 little ones). So needless to say -- THANK YOU SO MUCH MOM!!! The ergorapido is one of the best gifts I have ever received!!! ANd by the way -- she also clued me into the swiffer wet jet mop and microfiber cloths. I just wet the cloths and put them on the wet jet and my floors are cleaned in lightening speed. I don;t ever have to buy replacement cloths because I use, wash, and reuse the microfibers instead!!! That woman is brilliant!!! Anyway -- back to cleaning!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


He may not know exactly what's going on with momma's belly, but he knows he loves that belly button. He was also MORE than happy to give his baby bro a smooch this morning!!! My heart melted when he snuggled up against my belly and planted one on it!!!! How we hope Miles will wanna smooch Lennon once he arrives!!!