Thursday, November 18, 2010


I couldn't wait for August 8, 2010 -- 12 WEEKS PREGNANT!!! You know -- that moment where you breath your first sigh of relief that baby is going to be okay. That moment when you know your risk for MC has dwindled to fractions!!!! It just struck me how long it felt to get there -- and now I am coming up on only 12 WEEKS left until Lennon comes home!!!! There will be 14 weeks in the middle there, once we get to 12 weeks left, and I am wondering -- "Where did the time go?" You know what else gets me??? The last 12 weeks will probably feel just as slow as the first. It's amazing how fast the middle of pregnancy flies by. Of course it does -- it's the best part. You feel the best -- look the best -- act the best!!!! Now that we are nearing the final descent things start to get harder. But the good news -- we've already climbed the mountain -- the up hill stuff is done and now we just have to "waddle" our way downhill to the finish line. Ooooooh how exciting!!!


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