Sunday, November 7, 2010


As I sit here and slurp down yummy spoonful after yummy spoonful of tomato soup (for breakfast), I am reminded of all the silly and not so silly cravings I have had with this pregnancy so far!!! By far, the strongest and longest craving I have had is for tomato soup. The weird part is that I only want it for breakfast. I swear it tastes different at any other time of day. And by golly -- Trader Joe's has the best carton of tomato soup on the planet. It's so creamy and so tomato-ey and I love to sprinkle basil in while it warms!!! YUMMY!!! Let's see -- what else is on this list. As far as silly is concerned, I have sent to Jason to the store for pickles and Chocolate Special K. I did not eat them together, but back to back. Oh and I should mention that it wasn't the pickles I was interested in, but rather the JUICE!!! YUMMY!!! I have, of course, blogged about the Italian style sub sandwiches and Pumpkin Spice Steamers. There was the few weeks in the first trimester where I wanted nothing and I mean NOTHING but Cottage Cheese. And there were the few weeks after that where I wanted nothing but Trader Joe's Chicken Tenders. Lately, my cravings have really mellowed out and I am only experiencing the tomato soup jones. Although, last week I got a hold of a bag of raw sugar snap peas in the pod and devoured the whole thing. I purchased another bag the next day and -- oops -- ate it all too. So I guess that was sort of craving -- or at least I now know how much I love sugar snap peas. As far as beverages are concerned -- we all know that I am a HUGE green tea fanatic -- and pregnancy puts a little damper on my love for it -- so I have been cheating and drinking tons of half water, half iced green tea. Since green tea has about 5% of the caffeine that coffee has I figure I'm totally safe consumming mostly watered down versions of it. I can't help myself -- I LOVE Trader Joe's Iced Blueberry Green Tea!!! Oh -- and of course water. That one was for my midwife!!! ;0)


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