Monday, February 21, 2011


Well -- it has been almost 2 weeks since our little "Lemon" loaf's arrival and I suppose it's time to say goodbye to the pregnancy blog. I have grown so attached to it and this is a sad farewell for me. But --- The Koiter Family story will continue, as always, on our shutterfly share account.

Our shutterfly account has video, photo, and journal updates of all our goings on!!! Lots of love and hugs!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


As much as I cursed Jason and my midwife for pushing me to keep active and keep walking at the end of the pregnancy -- I am really enjoying the pay off!!! I have officially lost 21lbs. as of today -- 1 week post-partum!!! Since this was our last pregnancy Jason and I thought it would be fun to do a few post-partum belly pics as well just to chronicle the return of my pre-pregnancy figure. Right now I'm looking about how I looked at 4 months pregnant and I am so happy with my body. I am really looking forward to getting back into shape and getting to eat and drink whatever I want!!!!! Yippee!!!


So -- it has taken me awhile to get around to writing this post, But at my 2 day postpartum check-up I was given a shot of Rhogam because Lennon is O+. I had a rare adverse reaction to it that landed me in an ambulance and on the way to the ER!!! About 30 minutes after I received the shot I began to get very hot and faint and my extremities swelled. This was obviously not something I needed or wanted to deal with having just given birth less than 48 hours before!!! The irony is that I had a home birth so that I could avoid having to go to the hospital (which I hate) and then 2 days later I spent 7 hours strapped to a bunch of machines in a filthy ER!!! YUCK!!!! I was truly devastated by the fact that I had this reaction as I was so conflicted about getting the shot in the first place. We have a family history of adverse reactions to vaccines and my instincts were telling me -- don;t get it. But I also felt that, even though Jason and I are done growing our family, we were better safe than sorry if we ever were to get pregnant again with a positive baby. I SHOULD HAVE TRUSTED MY INSTINCTS!!! I am so glad that I trusted my instincts on not getting this shot at all with Miles and not getting it prenatally with Lennon. Can you imagine what would have happened if I had exposed my little Lennon to this adverse reaction while in utero???? The fact is I didn't and I am so thankful that I followed my mommy instincts. Now, I just have to wait a few weeks and see if the adverse reaction intensifies and becomes the Rheumatoid Arthritis that it is has a tendency to develop into. I will most likely see a Rheumatologist in a few months to get tested and make sure. I am hoping that I will get lucky and skate by. My mom was not so lucky after her Hep B Vaccine many years ago and suffered through arthritic pain for quite some time before it remitted. She's my super hero and I know that if she could make it through it then I can too -- especially with her by my side. Now the next course of action is to take this info to our pediatrician. We are already delaying vaccinations because of our family history of autoimmune reactions to them, but now we have to discuss the fact that our boys' mommy has had a reaction as well. This is taken much more seriously and our ped. will let us know whether or not we should risk it and whether or not we should delay vaxing longer!!! This is such a heartbreaking decision for us on so many levels. We don't know what we I would do if either of our boys were afflicted and suffering from getting vax'd or from not getting vax'd. No one could possibly understand the inner conflict that comes with being faced with these decisions unless they experience it. I'll just keeping trusting my instincts and listening to my mommy voice and know that God is going to guide us and take care of us.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Imagine my surprise when I discovered that....

I had to have a second child to understood how deeply in love I am with Miles.

Not that I didn't love him with all of my being every day of the last 16 months -- but with Lennon's arrival came the discovery of the depths of that love.


Lennon sleeps like nobody's business. We're actually starting to get worried -- the kid sleeps so much. We're talking about 22-23 hours per day. Miles never slept like this -- so we have no experience with it -- and we have put in a call to the pediatrician. Everyone says that second babies are easier -- but this was not exactly what we had in mind. No complaints here though -- just worries. Who knows -- maybe tomorrow Lennon will wake up and he'll be one fire-ey hot tamale!!! LOL.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Our beautiful bundle of boy, Lennon Wyatt, came home to us yesterday afternoon, 2/10/11 at 4:08 PM!!!! Lennon weighs a whopping 9lbs. and is 22in. long. When you consider that he was 10 days early -- it's shocking to think that he would have been close to 10lbs if he was born on time. I shudder to think what would have been if he had come late....;0) The labor was smooth and much easier than my first. The total time was 10 hours, with early labor lasting about 6 hours and active labor about 4. I pushed for about 30 minutes (which was heinously fast) and before we knew it we were holding our perfect little man. Lennon and I are in perfect health and we are all taking it easy and recovering quietly at home. I will continue to update!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Time-able, consistent contractions began at 5am this morning. They are trucking away now at 4 minutes apart. I will update when Lennon Wyatt arrives!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


My mom and I spent the day today getting things prepped for the arrival of little Lennon. The groceries have been stocked and there are enough snacks and beverages for the whole birth team and a small country. We also set up the birth pool. We planned on putting it in the area that we use for the play room, but quickly realized that Miles would have a terrible tantrum if he were not allowed in it. So we had to move it to the living room that is gated off. I am pleased with it's location as there is a nice cozy couch for the birth team to sit on and I can enjoy a nice crackling fire while I soak away the aching contractions. I ordered 7 cases and 6 gallons of water through Vons delivery and they arrived last night. We also have our entire birth kit ready and I have made the oil blends that I want to use throughout labor. I picked rose and lavender. We also updated our Ipod with a playlist that I wanted for this labor and Jason and I have to prep the bed tonight -- but then I think we just have to sit back and wait. Of course -- once active labor starts we'll fill the pool and handle a few last minute things. But all in all -- we are ready to have this baby!!!


WARNING-- this may be a TMI post to some.

Let the countdown begin. I am in pre-labor or the very early stages of labor. After getting out of the shower this morning I discovered that I was "bleeding" down there. Not heavy, not light -- but bleeding. There was also a mixture of discharge and mucus along with the blood and the bleeding lasted until late afternoon. I have been contracting off and on all day long with hours long stretches about 5-7 minutes apart. The pressure is unbelievable and with each contraction I am certain that my water is going to break. Looks like Lennon will most likely be here within the next few days. Keeping out fingers crossed.


The Nursery is fully finished and boy oh boy are we in love with it. It's so cozy and cute. We had such a blast picking out all of the little details and it was nice to have gone with a mix and match theme that allowed us to incorporate pretty much anything that we came across that we loved. We even made our own hanging light fixture that is suspended from the center of the room so that we could have a little more light than the adorable lion lamp on Lennon's dresser. It will be interesting to see what changes his room goes through in the next few months -- as Miles' room continues to change even now after 16 months. The only thing that is missing from our little one's room now is our little one. Oh -- I just can't wait to nurse and rock him in that chair!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011


We are at the any day now point in the pregnancy and at the very most we have 3 weeks before our newest little boy is here. I just keep thinking back to the day that our little Miles was born. I was so lucky to have such an amazing support team. Look at my team -- by my side through it all. I get to share this with them all over again. My mom, Jay Jay, and Renee -- my angels.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Jay Jay, Miles, and I have been spending most of our time together these days just walking and walking and walking. This morning we popped little man Miles into the stroller and headed to the elementary school where I walked up and down the stairs (2 at a time) and circled the track. Miles and Daddy explored the
area and had a blast while mommy huffed and puffed away!!!


We decided to take another one at 38 weeks since there was a very small difference between the last two. These past two weeks Lennon has had a huge growth spurt and my tummy is SUPER big!!! Look at the Lennon Bun. He's even adorable in the oven.


How your baby's growing:

Your baby has really plumped up. He weighs about 6.8 pounds and he's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). He has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold his hand for the first time! His organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.
Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If he's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If he's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time he's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after he's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)

Friday, February 4, 2011


My midwife almost fell out of her chair, laughing at my reaction, as she took my weight this morning. Seriously -- I almost passed out. Now -- before I tell you what I gained in the past 4 weeks I will say that my total weight gain so far has been 34lbs. and is absolutely as perfect as can be. I am blessed to have had such a healthy weight gain. But -- BUT -- 9lbs. in 4 weeks????? 9lbs.????? I didn't even gain that much over the Christmas Holiday and I ate tons and tons of holiday crap. Good God this baby is going to be ginormous. My midwife agrees -- he's one big boy. We're all really interested to see how long he is too. He is at Station +1 and his feet are still crammed up inside my ribs. We're talking one tall little boy. So -- here I am trying to get over the shock of the biggest weight gain over the smallest amount of time in my life and trying prepare myself mentally for the fact that I will most likely be pushing out a toddler sized newborn. Please pray for my poor lady bits. Sigh. The rest of the prenatal appointment was great. BP is excellent, Lennon's heart sounded great, and my titers were negative once again. Renee has an acupuncturist and massage therapist working out of her birth center now and I made a few appointments with them for next week. They will both work on the acupuncture/acupressure points to help get labor going. I also scheduled a membrane sweep with Renee for next Sunday as I will be 39 weeks and I told Renee that I will be damned if this baby and I go over due!!! I can totally handle on time -- but my head may explode if February 20th comes and goes without. The membrane sweep is what got labor going for me with Miles. Oh and the fact that right afterward Renee made me walk up and down 100+ stairs for 2 hours. Either way -- the sweep will happen on Sunday the 13th. Maybe if we are lucky we will get a Valentine's Day baby. There is something kinda sweet about that...;0) Of course there is always something sweet about February 4,5,6,7,8,9,10.... you get my drift. Well -- Miles is napping and I should take this time to nap too. xoxoxoxoxoxox

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Experienced a ton more false labor last night. I know it's a good thing and my cervix is probably dilating and effacing -- but man -- it's such a bummer when you think it's time and it turns out that it's not. The good news is that by the time true labor hits my body will probably already have done a bunch of work. BONUS. And for all of those who aren't into TMI -- tune out now -- because -- I lost a ton of mucous last night with all of those false labor contractions and you know darn well that means my cervix was a movin'!!!! On a slightly more negative note -- the false labor has made it very difficult to sleep -- well -- impossible. I don't sleep anymore. I am so tired. Really REALLY tired. I told Jason that I feel bad for him when he gets all of that sleep while I don't because I'll be ready for the sleepless nights with a newborn and he won't....;0) For some reason he doesn't seem too bothered by this. LOL. I do wanna give a shout out to the best mom ever -- my mom-- for spending the morning with Miles and letting me lay down and nap. I actually slept this morning for a few hours and it was glorious. THANK YOU MOMMA!!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Oh -- and I forgot to mention -- I am GBS negative!!!! Another score for team Koiter!!!!


I'll admit -- I was really REALLY excited. Jay Jay, Miles, and I spent hours walking around. The contractions were consistent (although too far apart) and strong. They were uncomfortable, but never "painful". They became more and more painful as the night wore on. By 12am they were in my back and wrapping around. We were certain that things were winding up and that we would have little Lennon by today. Well -- I woke up this morning -- pregnant. Darn it. Every time I woke up to pee throughout the night the pressure was so intense that I was certain my water was going to break as soon as I stood up. But -- nothing. Needless to say, I was slightly disappointed this morning. I really did want Lennon to come. Now I know better -- false labor. In my defense -- I never had false labor with Miles. I never had contractions until the real deal. So -- now we just continue to wait and try not to get our hopes up if contractions start again. All I have to say now is -- I have a prenatal massage scheduled for 8pm tomorrow night and our little man had better wait until after that!!!! ;0)

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I can't wait to do this again. I don't know what has come over me, but I am so overjoyed at the thought of giving birth again. I am looking forward to the moment that Renee places beautiful Lennon on my belly and Jason and I get to touch him and hold him for the first time. Just like we did with his big brother.


As of today -- baby boy Lennon is full term and we are all systems go for our home birth!!! If our little one decided to come before term we would have had to have him in the hospital. But he waited and now we can go forward with our home birth as planned. We have also started doing everything we can to help get my body prepared for labor with the hopes that we get to welcome Lennon home sooner rather than later. It's game time people!!! oh -- and BTW -- we walked about 5 miles yesterday and got some serious contractions going. The walking also moved Lennon down so low that when Jason checked my cervix for dilation he could no longer find it because it was pretty far back and up behind Lennon's head. Jason does think that I am pretty much fully effaced at this point too - although he's no expert on the percentage of effacement. Maybe next week I'll have my midwife check. We'll see.


How your baby's growing:

Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.)
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I cannot stop eating the last two nights!!! I swear 7pm hits and I cannot stop shoving food in my mouth. Good grief. Lennon can't seriously be going through another growth spurt. MY BELLY CAN'T DO IT!!!! Oh -- and the food -- SWEETS!!!! Someone stop me now before Lennon weighs 11lbs.!!!!


My Midwife came to the house today for our 36 week home visit. She toured the house to get an idea of the lay out and we decided where the birth pool would get set up and what not. I can't believe that we are at the -- it could happen any day now -- point in the pregnancy. It just seems so surreal to think that the next time Renee comes to the house will be to deliver baby Lennon home to us!!! What an incredible thought. Wow. The prenatal part went really well as well. We did the GBS test (which I will find out about tomorrow) and she also took another vial of blood to test my titers. We discussed my pulled muscle and how things were going with that. I told her that it felt pretty much healed -- but that I had to let the Nanny go today because I was literally starting to sink into a deep depression over it. It was just too hard to have someone "chaperoning" an entire 8 hours between me and Miles and getting to do all of the things I wanted to do with him (play with him, hold him, feed him, bathe him, etc.). I just started to feel like such a prisoner in my own home. So -- we agreed that I would take is easy still -- my mom and Jason helping as much as they could and that I would do what I had to to make it through this with my sanity!!!! I also told her that I am DONE being pregnant. She laughed and agreed. I asked her if we could start trying to get labor going naturally, as Lennon will be full term this Sunday. She gave us the green light and we will be doing everything in our power to get him early!!! I am sooooo keeping my fingers crossed. She said that she thinks it's a good idea as Lennon is surely going to be over 9lbs. and is big and healthy to date. We listened to his heart rate -- and although his movements have slowed over the last few days -- he is ticking away in there like a champ. Renee said that his heart was reactive and slowed and sped up when he settled or momma talked. He is totally head down -- at about station 0 -- and is taking up every last bit of space that there is in my tummy!!! Renee did not check my cervix (she usually doesn't) but I did tell her that Jason checked me last night during perineal massage and is certain that I am 1cm dilated at the moment. That is SOOOOOOO exciting seeing as how I was not dilated at all when labor started with Miles. I am hoping to get my cervix to open a little bit before labor starts this time around. Anything to knock hours off the time. 22 hours is a VERY long time!!!! We have our next appointment in a week and I m so excited to be at the weekly prenatal appointments as they seem to make the weeks go by a little faster. They give me something to look forward to. I will update then!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011



Whoa nelly -- 4 weeks left!!! I absolutely cannot wait and I am hoping that little man Lennon decides to join us earlier than his anticipated arrival date. For starters -- I just can't wait to meet him and hold him. I was holding the gorgeous Kira this afternoon and suddenly my heart YEARNED for my newest little boy!!! She was so tiny and precious. I am just so excited to do it all over again!!! I also just can't wait to get out of this pregnant body!!! My belly is soooooo heavy and feels stretched to it's limit. Lennon has also dropped and engaged and is already at station 0!!! He is taking up a ton of space in the canal and there is sooooooo much pressure down there. I am barely sleeping these days -- although I desperately want to -- and am up several times a night to pee or readjust or fighting off weird dreams and headaches. Aye aye aye. Plus there's the whole pulled muscle complication!!! It has been a crazy few weeks. We finally started all of our labor prep including perineal massage, EPO, the Dr.Christopher's, walking, etc. We have a few other tricks up our sleeve that we will try after next week, once Lennon is full term. Oh -- and I hope I don't jinx myself -- but my swelling has been very minimal and limited to only a few occasions. This is a much welcomed change from my last pregnancy. With Miles I had some pretty decent swelling from about 34 weeks on. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the swelling will stay at bay!!! I think that's al for now!!! I will update very soon!!!


How your baby's growing:

Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. He now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. He's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered his body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected his skin during his nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of his first bowel movement.
At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Full-term is 37 to 42 weeks; babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely he's in a head-down position. But if he isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position by manipulating him from the outside of your belly.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I'm thinking -- PINA COLADA!!! What??? It's my birthday -- doesn't this pregnant biatch deserve a cocktail???? FINE. Make it a virgin.


How your baby's growing:

Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Dear Baby Lennon,

Mommy loves you so very much. Words cannot describe it. And mommy loves to feel you move and stretch out inside her belly. But, my dear sweet boy, mommy would REALLY love it if you could stop kicking her in the ribs. Thank you so much little one.


Monday, January 10, 2011


Ahhhhh -- the glorious 34 week mark!!! The end is in sight and I have been given the green light to go ahead and start with my labor prep routine. I love having something to do that makes me feel proactive and helps pass the time. My labor prep includes a lot -- and the hope is that all of these things will help get my body, cervix, and uterus all primed and ready for an on time labor. The list includes:

Nightly EVENING PRIMROSE OIL capsules inserted into you know where
Weekly ACUPUNCTURE visits

I believe the perineal massage was sooooooo pivotal in preventing me from tearing. With Miles having been such a big baby -- I know that the PM was the entire reason for my good fortune. The Evening Primrose oil is supposed to help with tearing as well, as it helps to soften the tissue. It also helps to soften the cervix and help it ripen. The Red Raspberry Leaf Tea and Dr. Christopher's are all herbal preparations made specifically to prepare the uterus and tone it for the big day. I am supposed to take more and more of the Dr. Christopher's, the closer I get to labor, as this too will help my uterus to produce progressive contractions. The acupuncture won't actually begin for another few weeks and this will be done to help with late, third trimester discomfort and to help get labor started. I also dug out my birth ball and have been sitting on it in hopes to coax little Lennon to drop and engage. I should have been using it for awhile now since it helps to alleviate back pain -- but alas -- I am using it now.

This is all so exciting and I can't believe that we are gearing up for the big day. As slow as time seems to be moving these days -- it's also astonishing how fast this pregnancy flew by. We are just 6 weeks away from welcoming baby home.


Today we had the first of our last two bi-weekly appointments. Our last one will be at 36 weeks and then we begin our weekly appointments. I love seeing Renee more frequently. It helps pass the time and I am able to remember all of my questions as there isn't 4 weeks worth of goings on to try and recall. Today's appointment was fantastic. Of course, we discussed my pulled abdominal muscle and she felt and palpitated it and gave me the same advice over again. I told her that I felt that I was doing a good job of honoring her "prescription" and that I had done my best to take it easy and not doing any heavy lifting. It was hard not pick Miles up at all this weekend, but I am doing it!!! We covered all of the usual prenatal stuff and Lennon's heart sounds great. His head is good and low now -- sitting just above my pubic bone. I was so excited to hear this as now I am certain that he is really getting to work putting some good pressure against my cervix and coaxing it to start progressing. I can still feel his feet very high up in my uterus, which is no surprise -- he's gonna be one tall little guy. There was a small trace of protein in my urine today -- but Renee said that it was nothing to be concerned about. I have no swelling at the moment and my BP was great -- so there really is no concern about Pre-Eclampsia. We will retest in two weeks. In two weeks we will also re-test my titers and do a GBS culture. My home work for the next two weeks and leading into labor is start tea tree oil sitz baths. This helps to fight off any GBS that could be lurking down there. This way I don't have to take a ton of antibiotics to get rid of GBS before or after labor. The hope is that there will be no GBS to kill!!! I tested negative with Miles and I am certain I will test the same this time around. Renee also gave me the list of items I will need for our homebirth kit. It's the exact same kit that we used with Miles and I am so excited to place the order. Getting the kit and setting everything up is so exciting for me and it really makes the fact that baby is almost here seem so much more real. I also mentioned the birth pool to Renee and it turns out that she has one that we can use and all we have to do is purchase a liner and hose -- for obvious -- sanitary -- reasons. I am so excited to have birth pool this time around. I know I have said it before -- and I will say it again -- a home's standard sized bathtub is NO place for a laboring woman!!! Good grief -- I felt like a sardine. What a shame, too, because the hot water felt so heavenly. This time I will have a giant pool to spread out in. It is going to be delightful. That's about it. Our next appointment is at 36 weeks and Renee will be coming to our home for it. We usually go to the birth center for all of our appointments, but next she sill be coming over to see the new house, get a feel for it, and help me figure out where will set up the pool and what not. Maybe next week she'll even check my cervix for progress. Who know!!!!


Nana and I have been dying to get a manicure and pedicure for months now. Having little Miles in tow has made that dream impossible. So, I decided to get us mani's and pedi's as a Christmas gift to Nana this year and Jay Jay offered to take Miles for the day!!! It was so nice to sit back and relax and enjoy some girlie time with my mom. We haven't been out together, just the two of us, since Miles was born. It was such a lovely experience -- although Nana was certain that the man who did her manicure was trying to break the bones in her arms during the massage. That being said -- we now have soft, gorgeous, callous free hands and feet. Let's just say that the massage that accompanied these services was just what this pregnant momma needed!!!! We also stopped and had lunch afterward. We had almost forgotten what it was like to dine without a little one in tow. Oh soooooooo nice.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Jason just reminded me that last weekend was New Years weekend. WHAT??? That felt like 3 weeks ago. I was literally stunned and in denial. There is no way that New Year's was only a week ago. NO WAY. Man oh man -- we are in it for the long haul. The VERY long haul.


How your baby's growing:

Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Well -- I have really gone and done it now. My midwife has been telling me all along to take it easy and make sure that I was not doing too much heavy lifting -- but I felt like superwoman and didn't listen. It's really hard to listen when you have a 26lb. 14 month old who still wants and needs to be picked up and held frequently. Even though Miles weighs as much as some 3 year olds does not mean that he is a 3 year old. He is still my little baby and is so not ready to give up being picked up. Well - for the last few weeks I have been having a burning pain in the muscle between my breast and uterus that I have been writing off as just some pregnancy thing. Turns out that it was in fact the pulling and weakening of my abdominal muscle. When I picked Miles up this morning my muscle pulled completely and I am now in a world of serious pain. My Midwife has put me on strict modified bed rest -- meaning -- I do not literally have to stay in bed, but I am not to do any lifting, picking up, pulling, or pushing of any kind. I am to take it easy and rest as much as possible. This means I cannot pick Miles up anymore. She made that very VERY clear. I am so heartbroken about this. I don't think I can make it 6 weeks without picking him up and I feel so scared that this will have a negative impact on him and our relationship. I don't want him to think that I don't love him and I don't want us to grow apart because mommy can't pick him up and do all of the things that she used to. I can't even give him a bath anymore. How sad is that???? The plan of action is the following: Jason will take all late shifts at work, which means he will be here until 9am every morning. NanaBee will spend the first part of the day with MIles and I (she's the best) --helping out and we are hiring a Nanny to do a 1-9pm shift to relieve Nana and help until Jason comes home from work. With all of this support my muscle should heal in no time and I should be able to push little Lennon out with little to no difficulty. The biggest concern is whether or not having a pulled abdominal muscle will make it too painful to push. The goal here is to heal, heal, heal!!!! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family who loves me and is willing to go to all this trouble to help me out. I really am the luckiest girl in the world.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


It's official -- I AM PREGNANT!!! You know you're uber pregnant when you have to sleep sitting in a reclined position. I had to rig a sleeping set-up in our bed last night with 3 giant pillows and my snoogle loop. Side lying is no longer a go. I tossed and turned for over an hour before I realized that there was just no way I was going to get any sleep that way. So Jay Jay helped me and I was sitting up and fast asleep in no time. I also had about 5 or so nasty leg cramps that really threw my night out of whack. I hate those little monsters. The only way to get rid of them is to walk and walk and walk until they subside. OUCHIE!!!! So -- yep -- here we go. This how you know baby is coming soon. Mother nature's little way of giving you a taste of the lack sleep that is to come. We have been so spoiled with Miles sleeping roughly 11-12 hours a night since 4 months old. Little Lennon is just weeks away from rocking our world as we know it....;0) What will that little guy be like?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Click here to view this video

Sunday, January 2, 2011