Sunday, June 20, 2010


We were blessed last year, by being able to celebrate Expectant Mother's Day and Expectant Father's Day. This year we are doubly blessed to celebrate Father's Day with our beautiful little man, as well as, with our yummy little sesame seed. We planned a lovely brunch at Le Chene with the entire family, then reserved the rest of the day for just us, Miles, and Baby Sesame Seed. Jason and Miles both enjoyed a very restful afternoon nap, while momma made sure to get the dinner's made for the week, and watered the lawn and garden. Afterward, we all enjoyed some shopping, a long family walk, and a super fun-filled bath time!!! Jason always does the bath time. It's one of the things that makes him the super best daddy in all the world. I wish there were more days dedicated to saying thank you to the best guy in our lives -- Jay Jay aka Daddy!!! What can I say??? We would be lost without that guy!!! And it feels doubly good to know that it's that same Jay Jay -- that same Daddy -- that will be by my side -- our side -- welcoming the newest edition of the family into the world in February. Wow. Love you baby.


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