Saturday, June 5, 2010


That's right -- Dysguesia. No -- I didn't just sneeze. I am not having a seizure. No no -- I am simply having a very common early pregnancy symptom that is also referred to as -- a bad taste in the mouth. We still haven't tested yet, but the symptoms are multiplying and we have added Dysguesia to the list. All day long I have had this very bitter, nasty taste in the back of my mouth. I thought, at first, that the strawberries I was eating hadn't been cleaned properly. But, no matter how many times I washed them, they still left a nasty taste on the back of my tongue. So did the apple that I ate later, the walnuts, and the carrots. Yuck, yuck, yuck!!! So, we turned to our trusty friend and enemy (I say enemy because you can look up too much pregnancy and newborn stuff) Google. Lo and behold -- Dysguesia. Very common symptom in early pregnancy -- as well as throughout. This symptom is all together very new to me, as I did not experience this while pregnant with Miles. In fact -- the nausea I have been experiencing is mild, but much more significant than I had with Miles in the first few weeks. So -- it looks like maybe this possible pregnancy isn't turning out to be as identical as we had first thought. Who knows. All I know for sure is that nothing tastes good and I can't enjoy satisfying the major cravings I have been having. BUMM-er!!! Well -- either way -- we still have something like 7 days left until we can test. We are slowly witteling down the days!!!!


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