I haven't taken a picture yet, we're holding out for the 8 week photo, but my belly has definitely popped!!! It's soooooooo early compared to when I popped with Miles, but I already look like I am about 3 months pregnant. We were going through our past belly photos and I feel like I look about 16 weeks pregnant, but my mom and Jason insist that it's more like 12 weeks. Either way -- I've read that this is totally the norm. I guess my body already knows the drill. It's so cool. I remember "suffering" through the anticipation of looking pregnant. I couldn't wait to have that glorious belly!!! And now??? No waiting. At 5 and 1/2 weeks I have a sweet little baby bump. Although, I did startle at the thought that maybe I'm showing so early due to twins!!!! Highly doubtful...;0)
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