Wednesday, June 2, 2010


We have 10 days left until we can start testing for pregnancy, but we are already sure that our efforts have been successful. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but there are many positive indications that we have concieved!!! Firstly -- Basal Body Temperature -- we recorded a temperature dip followed by a temperature spike, which is indicative of Ovulation. After baby dancing at the appropriate times, we recorded a few more days of steadily climbing temperatures!!! Very good sign for a positive conception. We just need to record a few more days of elevated temps to be certain. The other indicator???? Implantation cramping, fatigue, and nausea!!! I have been feeling wiped out the last 2 days and can barely stay awake past 7:45pm at night. The nausea has been very mild, but has been accompanied with a very familiar burning and cramping in my uterus. It's as if I am pregnant all over again with Miles. We know that every pregnancy is different, but for me, fertilization and implantation appear to be identical in both pregnancies. If I am indeed pregnant. This could all be overzealous hope -- and we won't know for sure until we test -- but we are enjoying our gut feeling at the moment. If we're not pregnant -- we just get to enjoy, yet another month of baby dancing!!!! lololololol!!!


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