Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Yep -- that's right -- I'm feeling em. I was so lucky with Miles. No pregnancy symptoms. It was such an easy pregnancy. This time around, though, I am definitely experiencing some of the "stuff". Woohoo. I imagine that there are ladies out there who's morning sickness (or -- as in my case -- all day sickness) is way worse than mine, but it ain't no picnic. Some days are better than others, but on the days that aren't, I get waves of nausea that come and go. Sometimes I can't even turn my head without feeling queasy. It's a blessing and a curse. It's so exciting to be feeling the pregnancy, but, it's still what it is -- NAUSEA!!! As for other symptoms - lots of fatigue. I love LOVE to sleep these days, which is next to impossible with an 8 month old. So -- I love LOVE to fantasize about sleeping. That's about it. My uterus is already starting to swell -- it's not noticeable to anyone else, but my pants are fully aware. Let's just say -- a little snug. Oh -- and -- ACNE!!! What??? It appears I have traded one skin condition for another. Last pregnancy -- it was a rash. This pregnancy -- acne. I have had 4 eruptions since we tested positive. That's 4 eruptions in a week. I look like a teenaged boy. They are mostly on my neck, which is a little more tolerable, but they still glow a mean angry red and they hurt like the dickens. How long does that last????


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